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I am a senior at Mercer University majoring in Psychology and Spanish. I have no idea what I want to do after I graduate, but right now I am thinking about going to Physical Therapy School.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

Daniel Pink discusses in the beginning of his book the differences between the left brain and the right brain. In light of our discussions about his book and these differences about the functions of both sides of our brain, I have found some representations of popular beliefs about these:

Here is a popular test that apparently determines if you are right-brained or left-brained. It is said that if you see the dance spinning clockwise, you are right-brained, and if you see her spinning counterclockwise, you are left-brained.

This cartoon shows the right brain and left brain working together. It emphasizes the popular thoughts about both sides of the brain, as well as the importance of their combined efforts that Pink emphasizes is most important.

Here is even a written test to determine whether you are right-brained or left-brained.

As we can see, there are many popularly believed ways to determine whether a person is right-brained or left-brained. However, it is important to remember, as Daniel Pink points out in his book, that no one person is completely right-brained or completely left-brained. Even though one side may show more dominance than the other, our lives are an intricate combination of both sides of the brain, and they must work together to do any activity that we try to do on a daily basis. I think this concept is very important to remember in today's world, especially in teaching people who are going to be successful in the future. Those who will succeed the most will be those who realize they need to optimally use both sides of their brain and be equally (or as equal as possible) skilled in activities that both sides of the brain specialize in. And although these tests are fun and and it is exciting to be able to say "I am right-brained" or "I am left-brained," it is important to try to keep developing the other side of the brain so that you can be maximally useful in today's society.

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